To Whom It May Concern:
The writer of this would like to state that the Smithsonian Institute of Tropical Investigations has had excellent results with the use of the product “Economaxx” in many cars of our fleet. The result, although varied, demonstrates savings in fuel of approximately 10% to 20% depending on the type of car.
Ing. Fernando Pascal
Facilities and Operations Director
Office of Facilities Engineering and Operations
Smithsonian Institution Republic of Panama
A Quien Concierna
Por medio de la presente quisiera constatar que el Instituto Smithsonian de Investigaciones Tropicales ha tenido excelentes resultados con el uso del denominado “Economaxx” en muchos autos de nuestra flota. El resultado, aunque variado, demuestra ahorros en el consume de combustible que varia desde los 10% aproximadamente hasta los 20% – dependiendo del tipo do auto.
Ing. Fernado Pascal
Facilities and Operations Director
Office of Facilities Engineering and Operations
Smithsonian Institution Republic of Panama